I count things all day. Usually it starts at 5:45 at the gym counting crunches, push ups, and minutes until I die. Then right on to my work where I count dirty, filthy, money all day. It's amazing how hundreds of thousands of dollars becomes so insignificant to handle when you do it every day. It's really all just paper. Weird.
This is what my life looks like. |
What I've noticed lately is I'm counting the days until ___. For instance, 2 days until I (supposedly) get the new iPhone that I've been waiting for since December, 10 days until I leave for the great adventure to the northeast with my mom, ___ days until I get that amazing paycheck for watching trashy reality tv and doing quirky pinterest projects around the house.
But seriously, I've caught myself a lot lately living in the future. And the thing is, it's usually not a very realistic future. In my future trip, I never would have booked the tickets to Pittsburgh for 8 PM instead of 8 AM. That wouldn't have happened. The future always seems to be perfect, doesn't it? Everything will be better once x happens. When x is finished, everything will fall into place. Continuously waiting for the next thing. Sometimes I think I'm wasting today in anticipation for tomorrow.
I'm a planner. Always have been, probably always will be. But sometimes it's good to just enjoy today.
THIS is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24.
So I'm trying to enjoy today. And I'll try to enjoy tomorrow. But not until tomorrow :)
What's not to enjoy about this?
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